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Messagepoint and direct marketing

Direct marketers need the right technology to meet the ever-changing needs of the customer, while also reducing costs and improving the ROI of direct marketing programs. The need to leverage and optimize the use of customer data across multiple campaigns and drive 1:1 personalization is not easy and requires the right tools to manage the complexity.

It requires a platform to streamline the use of dynamic and flexible messaging in a wide range of content and formats for better response rates. It needs a platform that can work at the speed of business, with rapid change management, while maintaining brand consistency and oversight.

Direct Mail Direct Mail

How Messagepoint can help


Improve marketing performance.

Create unlimited versions of your direct marketing communications to perfectly target your customers to improve response rates. With intelligent and dynamic content management, you can share content and images across creative layouts, across channels, leveraging dynamic messages and data to determine what “plays” where.


Drive variations easily to achieve advanced personalization.

Sophisticated master / child template hierarchies and dynamic shared content capabilities enable you to rapidly and easily create variations on campaign templates. This not only accelerates time to market, but enables advanced personalization and A/B testing that marketers need to know what works.


Let marketing control the message.

Personalize and target content to individual clients and leverage your data. Let marketers be in control and minimize the IT resources needed to get 1:1 personalized communications in the hands of the customer.

Make use

Make use of your data more efficiently

With Messagepoint, you can efficiently utilize data across multiple campaigns through a standardized structure, making data management and optimization easier.


Be more efficient and increase return on marketing investment.

Reduce the cycle time for managing changes from days to hours by giving marketers hands-on control to make edits and updates. Validate changes with rapid proofing and testing, with full integration into leading composition systems to ensure targeting rules are all firing correctly. This not only reduces costs but gives marketers the right platform to support their need for frequent and accurate image and messaging changes.


Engage your clients.

Involve your clients earlier in the review and approval process. Through Messagepoint’s intuitive, self-service interface, they can make and review changes with built-in workflow and tracking—all in real-time.


Improve quality and compliance.

Workflow everywhere reduces errors and compliance issues while simplifying change management workflow and tracking. Our variation management content inheritance model ensures brand consistency.

Whitepaper – The Content Intelligence Revolution Part 2, Optimization & Assisted Authoring

Learn how AI-driven solutions will help organizations reduce the number of communication templates and provide greater granular insight to help organizations create better and more relevant content.

Get the Whitepaper
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Featured resources

Customer Stories

Fortune 1000 insurer cuts time-to-market in half by accelerating production of tailored marketing communications

Challenge: IT and agencies create bottlenecks A large, reputable U.S. insurance organization relies on sophisticated marketing strategies to provide…

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3 Simple Strategies to Drive Customer Engagement Through Your Omni-channel Communications

With the advent of digital, a host of new channels and methods of communication have been born. And…

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Direct Mail Remains Relevant for Insurance Marketing

Like organizations in nearly every industry today, insurers are pushing for digital innovation as a means to improve…

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