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Illustration of people at work with stacks of papers all around them

Infographic – How to Make Correspondence Modernization a Reality

BY Ed Worsfold

Cleaning up and optimizing customer correspondence inventories is on the to-do list of many organizations in regulated industries in which these communications have long been a mandated element of the customer experience. The drivers of these programs can bring substantial benefits including increasing the efficiency of content operations, migrating to digital channels, and optimizing the customer experience. That said, when teams are faced with auditing and reviewing thousands of traditional letters and emails, these programs often get shelved before they even get off the ground.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing simplify the modernization process by making it easy to get your content out of legacy systems and into a centralized repository where it can be analyzed, consolidated, optimized, and ultimately, migrated to Messagepoint.

Rationalizer streamlines the process of correspondence modernization by leveraging the AI-powered Messagepoint Advanced Rationalization and Content Intelligence Engine.

View the Infographic below – or click here for the PDF.


Rationalizer Correspondence Infographic 7 23 16

Rationalizer Correspondence Infographic 7 23 16

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