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Headless CCM

Deliver better digital experiences with API-centric headless Customer Communications Management solutions.

Diagram displaying different APIs Diagram displaying different APIs

It’s time to leave your PDFs in the archive where they belong

Too many digital experiences today consist of downloading static PDFs from an email or Web portal. It’s time to break free from the document paradigm of the 90’s and deliver the dynamic digital experiences that your customers expect.

Messagepoint’s headless CCM capabilities enable you to leverage the same rich content managed in our intelligent content hub to deliver relevant, personalized, and responsive digital experiences.

various channel icons

Modularize to modernize

While other CCM vendors focus on managing documents, Messagepoint focuses on managing your content. Our modular content management approach enables you to manage your content in re-usable components that are abstracted from the presentation layer. This means your content isn’t locked in a document, but rather easily shared across fully composed communication touchpoints and any modern digital endpoint including your mobile app, Web page, messaging apps, or chatbot, IVR/IVA.

Computer and phone icons with checkmarks on top

Centralize control over your content

By leveraging a centralized, intelligent content hub, you eliminate the need to duplicate and redundantly manage content across the different systems to support customer experiences across multiple channels. When content needs to be edited, make the change once in Messagepoint, and the update appears instantly across all the relevant touchpoints and channels – ensuring both consistency and compliance.

Computer and phone icons

Deliver better digital experiences

Our headless CCM capabilities make it easy to take advantage of the sophisticated content targeting and personalization capabilities in Messagepoint, such as variations and dynamic targeting, to deliver relevant, contextual customer experiences digitally.

HTML and JSON logos

Choose the right delivery format for your digital endpoints

Content housed in Messagepoint is abstracted from the presentation layer, meaning it is not tied to any specific communication type or delivery channel. Messagepoint’s RESTful APIs enable your content to be shared across digital endpoints using HTML or JSON formats giving you the flexibility you need to meet the requirements of your digital endpoints.

computer icon with stopwatch icon

Get the speed and performance you need

Messagepoint provides a highly scalable, fault-tolerant environment that enables you to dynamically add additional resources to meet your requirements as your processing needs change. So when your customers demand real-time responses, you can rest assured that they get it.

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Deliver Better Digital Experiences with Headless CCM

Digital interaction is now a must to build successful customer relationships. Data-sensitive industries like healthcare, financial services, and…

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Professional woman using laptop and cell phone

It’s Time to Say Goodbye to our Document-centric Ways

For all the changes we have had to make recently, I am suggesting one more. It is time…

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